What we do

We are searching and analyzing real estate, leisure and hospitality markets for project opportunities.

We are providing the project ideas, we initiate these projects and we are developing the projects over all phases from the very first idea, the feasibility analysis, the conception and realization, the project management up to the marketing.   

In all these work and performance phases we combine our ideas, our creativity, our knowledge and especially our long-standing experiences with co-partners and companies which are best in their fields or experts in the regarding regions or markets.

Who we are

Marcon Immobilien und Projektentwicklung KG was foundet 2002.

Our passion is to realize excellent and special residential buildings and hospitality and leisure projects with unique selling propositions.

The foundation is based on the long-term experience of the leading team in all areas connected with real estate, hospitality and leisure projects, design, construction and business management.

Marcon Immobilien und Projektentwicklung KG is the frame to unfold this rich potential of creativity, knowledge and experience.

It is our endeavor to create buildings and surroundings which provide their users very special places, impressions and special moments.